CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) selectors are patterns used to select and style HTML elements. They allow you to target specific elements or groups of elements on a webpage. Here are some common CSS selectors:
Universal Selector (*
- Selects all elements on the page.
* {
/* styles applied to all elements */
Type Selector:
- Selects all instances of a given HTML tag.
p {
/* styles applied to all <p> elements */
Class Selector (.classname
- Selects all elements with a specific class.
.highlight {
/* styles applied to all elements with class="highlight" */
ID Selector (#id
- Selects a specific element with a given ID.
#header {
/* styles applied to the element with id="header" */
Attribute Selector ([attribute]
, [attribute=value]
, [attribute~=value]
- Selects elements based on their attributes.
input[type="text"] {
/* styles applied to text input elements */
a[href^="https"] {
/* styles applied to links with href starting with "https" */
Descendant Selector (ancestor descendant
- Selects all descendants of a given ancestor element.
article p {
/* styles applied to all <p> elements inside <article> */
Child Selector (parent > child
- Selects all direct children of a parent element.
ul > li {
/* styles applied to all <li> elements that are direct children of <ul> */
Adjacent Sibling Selector (element + element
- Selects an element that is immediately preceded by a specified element.
h2 + p {
/* styles applied to <p> elements that directly follow <h2> elements */
Pseudo-classes (:pseudo-class
- Selects elements based on their state or position.
a:hover {
/* styles applied when the mouse hovers over a link */
input:checked {
/* styles applied to checked radio buttons or checkboxes */
Pseudo-elements (::pseudo-element
- Selects a specific part of an element.
p::first-line {
/* styles applied to the first line of each <p> element */
These are just some of the basic CSS selectors. Combinations of these selectors can be used to create more complex and specific styles for different elements on a webpage.